2020 Annual Meeting Minutes


Distributed via email:  Agenda, Financial Report, 2019 Minutes, By-Law Proposed Changes

Quorum (attendance and proxies) was reached at 7:00pm and meeting called to order by Mark Perechocky

1. Acceptance of 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes – Mark Perechocky

Motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the previous annual meeting.  Passed unanimously

2. Financial Report – Katie O’Sullivan

All dues are paid.  Quickbooks has been purchased and is being set up by someone hired by Rich Valarioti.  The Annual Financial Report and Notes were previously emailed to everyone.  There were no questions.

Motion was made and seconded to accept the Financial Report.  Passed unanimously.

3. Nomination of Officers and BOD – Jerry Richer

Carol Volpe explained that there are 4 board members with expiring terms who are willing to serve another term –  Rich Valarioti, Marie-Louise Kehoe, Mark Perechocky, Katie O’Sullivan. Therefore, those people were nominated for a 3 year term ending in July 2023.  Mark asked for further nominations from the floor and there were none.

Motion was made and seconded to elect Rich Valarioti, Marie-Louise Kehoe, Mark Perechocky, and Katie O’Sullivan to serve a 3 year term ending in July 2023. Passed Unanimously.

Continuing on the Board with terms ending in July 2021 and 2022 are John Connelly, Carl Marguerite, Mark Murphy, Jim Scaia, Kate Conway, and Jerry Richer, Angelo LaMantia, Carol Volpe, Carolyn Clancy, Mary-Louise Kehoe, and John Donovan

Motion was made and seconded to elect Carol Volpe as Clerk and Katie O’Sullivan as Treasurer each to a one year term.  Passed Unanimously.

4.  Beach Report – John Connelly reported that the application for beach cleaning permit has been approved and Katie has begun the process of filing it with the county.  We’ve started a new process of raking (with equipment) Sea Way beach, independent of the usual Strandway cleanings.  The overall cost will be a little higher than previous years, but we’ll get better cleaning with less sand picked up on Sea Way.  Jim Scia has recommended an attachment for the front end loader that cleans Strandway, and this is a work in progress.

5.  Security – Jerry Richer

Jerry spoke about the new flag system that was set up this year and used at our beaches to identify residents, guests, and renters to both our residents and our beach security people.  Right now they are going to both beaches twice a day on weekends.  A resident suggested replacing the beach security person with a 10-3 weekend guard at the entrance.  There was a lengthy discussion regarding whether this was needed and wanted.  People felt there has been a substantial increase in foot traffic this year.  Some felt that having a guard looks elitist.  Others encouraged neighbors to self-police and ask non-residents when seen to leave. No conclusion was reached.  Mark advised the board would take comments into consideration and look into the options. 

6.  Roads – Carl Marguerite and Angelo LaMantia

Carl reported that this year’s estimate to fill cracks was over $7000, much higher than in the past, so we did not have it done.  Carl had the drains cleaned and one was rebuilt.  All the drains need the leaching fields replaced and the roads are in need of major repair or replacement. Carl and Angelo need advice from an engineer as to how best to proceed.  Angelo spoke to the head of the town DPW and subsequently James O’Reilly and Associates was selected.  The board approved a $3500 expense to hire this company to evaluate all the roads and catch basins and come up with a plan and report.  It was asked if the engineer would address the build up of water at the dock.  Carl will mention this area to the engineer to see what can be done.

7.  Boats – Rich Valarioti Rich stated that he looked into getting new boat stickers but they were very expensive, so for now we will continue to replace any stickers that have fallen off the boats.  If anyone needs a new or replacement numbered boat sticker please see Rich.  Rich mentioned that in addition to rain water that accumulates at the dock, contributing to this build up is the neighbor’s sprinkler system, as when turned on, sprinkler water runs down the road to the dock. 



8. Dock/Walkways/Grounds – Jim Scaia and Kate Conway

Kate reported that Peter Thornton is now picking up the trash twice a week, and second barrels have been added where needed. The easement paths to the beach have been pruned, and the large branches and dead pines next to the pathway  between Attardo and Picard will be removed.  Kate and her husband have made several dump runs to remove all the broken beach chairs and miscellaneous trash which was left on the beaches.  Regarding the depression at the dock area – Peter felt that pea stone or gravel would not work well as it would disperse quickly and would make maneuvering kid’s bikes etc., tough. It was suggested that seeing what our road engineer recommends would be best.  It’s only a problem when there’s a heavy rain.  If residents see any issues needing attention, they should email Kate or Jim.

9. Jetty – Rich Valarioti and Jerry Richer

Rich got a price to replace into the jetty, rocks that have fallen out, but when they came to do the work in the spring, sand had covered the rocks so they could not do the work.  Since then, the rocks have been exposed, so now the work can be done.  Rich will get an estimate to have Robert Our fill the cracks and spaces in the jetty with stones.

10. Events – Marie-Louise Kehoe

Marie-Louise suggested cancelling all the remaining events.  She thought about doing some sort of small kids party, and would be happy to hear from others.  There were no suggestions.  Therefore, all future events for this summer are cancelled.  Marie-Louise promises next year will be bigger and better!

11. Website – John Donovan

John reported the website is up and running.  Please send your photos for the Directory to webmaster@oldmillpoint.org.  If anyone has website expertise they can share, please contact John, as we are looking for help.

12. By-Law Change – Jerry Richer, John Donovan, Mark Murphy

John stated that he, Jerry, and Mark looked at the By-Laws which originated in 1956.  John advised there is a pressing need to allow for electronic meetings, notifications, and voting.  These issues have been addressed in the recommended By-Law changes distributed via email and attached to these minutes.

Motion was made and seconded to accept the proposed By-Law changes.  Passed Unanimously

13.  New Business – Mark Perechocky

Review of Rule 16 – Marie-Louise Kehoe reported that recently during a holiday weekend, noisy work was being done in the neighborhood.  Mark advised he would remind neighbors of this rule in his next newsletter.

     16.   Homeowners involved in construction must save the Association harmless from any cost or expense incurred in the repairing of damage to the roads caused by heavy equipment (cement truck, ten-wheeler dirt trucks, etc.) in the course of construction.  Homeowners will also be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by proximate neighbors in repairing damage to their property caused by any construction vehicles or equipment.  Construction and maintenance, and construction and maintenance vehicles are permitted only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Mark asked if there was any other new business anyone wanted to bring up.  Hearing none, the meeting was adjourned.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn.  Passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47pm

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Volpe, Clerk