Distributed: Agenda, Map, Financial Reports, Drains Project.
Quorum (attendance and proxies) was reached at 7:06pm and meeting called to order by Mark Perechocky
1. Acceptance of 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes – Mark Perechocky
Motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the previous annual meeting of July 16, 2021 Passed unanimously.
2. Financial Report – Katie O’Sullivan
Katie advised there were two reports because we went from a fiscal year of July to June, to a calendar year format. So there were two reports distributed. One for last summer starting July 1 to December 31. And a second report for January one, 2022 to the present. Next year we will get one report for January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023. New Jetty stairs was an expense of $10,000. New owner fees and parties took in $8085.14. The biggest item was the down payment on the drains for $20,175. Under miscellaneous the Osprey pole plus installation was $1,200. It should be noted that so far this summer we have very few expenses because the bills haven’t come in yet, so those things will show up on the calendar year report which will be given next summer.
Motion was made and seconded to accept the Financial Report. Passed unanimously.
3. Nomination of Officers and BOD – Jerry Richer
Board members with expiring terms are Angelo LaMantia, Carol Volpe, Carolyn Clancy, Mary Louise Kehoe, and John Donovan. Carol and Mary-Louise have decided not to continue on the board. The nominating committee of Jerry Richer, Rich Valarioti, Marie-Louise Kehoe, and Carol Volpe is nominating Beth Larson and Deborah Sudarsky to fill these vacant positions.
Therefore the following are nominated for a three-year term ending in July 2025: Angelo LaMantia, Carolyn Clancy, John Donovan, Beth Larson, and Deborah Sudarsky.
Motion was made and seconded to elect Angelo LaMantia, Carolyn Clancy, John Donovan, Beth Larson, and Deborah Sudarsky. Passed Unanimously
Continuing on the board with no action required as their terms expire in July 2023 and 2024: John Connelly, Jerry Richer, Monica DiCenso, Julie Norton, Katherine Lyons, Jennifer Donovan, Rich Valarioti, Marie-Louise Kehoe, Mark Perechocky, and Katie O’Sullivan.
Katie O’Sullivan is remaining on the board, but retiring from her position as treasurer.
Carol Volpe is giving up her position as Clerk and retiring from the board.
We thank them for their many years of service.
Katherine Lyons is nominated for Clerk for one year term.
Monica DiCenso is nominated for Treasurer for a one year term.
Motion was made and seconded to elect Katherine Lyons for Clerk for a one year term, and Monica DiCenso for Treasurer for a one-year term. Passed unanimously
4. Beach Report – John Connelly
John reported that we are cleaning the corner of the jetty so that it doesn’t smell. We tried to incorporate Sea Way beach as often as possible on the schedule, although we have to get off Sea Way beach by 8:30 AM and due to the operator schedule we can only clean on weekends Friday or Saturday. Strandway is cleaned more often than Sea Way because we can get in there whenever we like.
There was a question about rocks on Seaway Beach coming up out of the sand at low tide by the jetty. This is viewed as a safety risk. Some rocks were removed when the work on the jetty was done, and they couldn’t do the rest because they were too deep. This will require a permitting process. Jerry, Rich, and John will look into this and possibly talk to the conservation agent to see if they can be removed.
Conservation commission sent us a note that they found plover tracks on Strandway beach but no plovers, so our beach use was not restricted.
5. Roads – Mark Perechocky
This will be taken up under new business.
6. Boats – Rich Valarioti
Rich advised he is looking into waterproof stickers that will stay on better. If anyone knows of a good source please let him know. Anyone who needs a new boat sticker, please contact Rich.
7. Dock – Rich Valarioti
Rich recruited Eva Annino and Conor Donovan to sand and stain all the railings on the dock to reduce splintering. Where the dinghies go there’s a tree in the way of the rack so we cannot get on as many dinghies as we should. Rich will look into moving it.
8. Grounds – Carolyn Clancy
Carolyn reported that her committee keeps the paths cleared, the dock area cleaned up, barrels emptied at the beaches, speed bumps installed and removed, stairs, walkways, and snow fences repaired and replaced as necessary. The sign by the jetty on the river came down from a storm and will not be replaced. The Sea Way beach sign that abuts the public beach was lost over the winter by Peter Thornton who stores it, and he will replace it at his expense. Jen Donovan and Julie Norton have done a lot of work on getting our street signs replaced. This will be reported under new business.
9. Jetty – Rich Valarioti
Rich advised that he, Jerry Richer, and John Connelly all got together to take care of maintaining the jetty prior to the season. The new stone stairs are a huge improvement.
10. Events – Marie-Louise Kehoe
Marie-Louise noted that she, Katherine Lyons, and Mary-Lou Kehoe worked together on the social committee. Marie-Louise believes that since we are a small community in a much larger
one it’s important for us to get together. The grand opening cocktail party at Fiona and Ralph Vacca’s was a great way to begin the season. There were sand castles on the Fourth of July as well as a wonderful parade hosted by the Clancy and Scaia families. Betty Sudarsky led the first book club at the Larson’s home which was a great success. The kids party is scheduled August 8 at the Vacca’s home where we will have the usual games, hotdogs, etc. as well as the ice cream truck.
11. Website – John Donovan
John reported that we are now 100% digital. The directories, meeting notes, rules, bylaws, and other documents are now on our website oldmillpoint.org. Please send your photos for the directory to Jhndnvn@gmail.com or kklyons@comcast.net. Directory Password is OMP (note all caps)
We are looking for someone to take over maintenance of the website. If anyone has technical skills please volunteer by letting John know.
1) Proposal for replacing drains in roads – Mark Perechocky
Mark explained that since the roads needed work, we hired an engineer who laid out the road system so that the town could place a betterment on our taxes such that it would be funded by the residents via their tax bills. However, we learned that meant we had to bring all our roads up to code, making them straighter and much wider than they are currently. This would mean homeowners would lose land, perhaps bushes, fences, etc. which abut the roads. The cost for this to do all the roads would be approximately $600,000 The board decided to approach the project in phases and begin with the drains as they are the most important piece. After the drains have been replaced we need to wait 18 months and then decide, what if anything, should be done with the roads. The board approved the process which included three bids. However contractors were slow to respond or not at all. The town gave a high evaluation to Robert B. Our Co., and the roads committee decided to recommend we use that company. As a process the board unanimously decided to go ahead with the drain project. It was decided since we need to keep enough money in reserves to cover major damages, a one-time $500 assessment per household was needed.
Monica DiCenso then gave a presentation explaining the logic behind the funding. There was a photo of the Strandway puddle with ducks swimming in it, illustrating the need for more and better drainage. Monica stated it is the board’s intent to fund this project in the least intrusive way. It would be reckless for us to use all of our cash to fund this project. Further documents showed over the last 15 years we have typically spent $12-15,000 annually on projects including contingencies. Our annual dues have been lagging behind inflation. The board determined to make a one-time $500 assessment for this project, and raising the annual dues over a three year period to approximately $1,500 in 2025. This will represent a compound annual growth rate of ~4% (current CAGR is 3.1%). The Board is also investigating what other comparable homeowners’ associations charge for annual dues and fees such as construction charges for substantial construction projects, with a view toward the possible implementation of such a fee in the future.
There was a question as to what improving the drains means. Mark responded that they will be installing larger drains, which will all be under the roads. He stated this should solve the
current problems, although there are no guarantees. A couple of residents have installed drains in their lawns to solve problems caused by sprinklers. There was a question about lack of drains on Mill Point Road. There was a question about the amount of the one-time fee for construction damage to roads. The financial presentation “base case” used a fee of $5,000 for illustrative purposes. There was a question about whether a street permit bond was necessary for residents doing construction. The answer was that this is not applicable because we have private roads.
Mark added that Old Mill Point will pay for needed landscaping repairs caused by the project.
Motion made and seconded to ratify the unanimous decision by the Board of Directors to fund the road drainage project partially by assessing $500 per home. Passed unanimously.
2) New Sign Project – Jen Donovan
Jan reported that she and Julie Norton have done a lot of work on getting our street signs replaced. At least one of the signs has fallen off the post, and all are in disrepair. They’re using a company in Kingston called Sign-A-Rama. This company does the fabrication as well as the installation. The signs will be navy blue in the same shape that we have now with a windmill in the center. Lettering and the windmill will be gold. Posts will be white. Most of the signs will remain in the same position they are now, although some will be moved. They have contacted anyone whose property will be affected due to signs being moved, and everyone is OK with it.
3) New neighbors – Mark Perechocky
Mark welcomed new neighbors Tim and Kathleen Connolly, and Philip and Susie Robbins.
4) Mark stated our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Pat Murphy and John Healy who passed away.
5) There was no other new business
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm
Next annual meeting is Friday July 21, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Volpe, Clerk