Dear Association Member,
Greetings and happy new year. With 2020 in the rearview mirror, here’s hoping for better things on the horizon. I hope this finds you and your family healthy and warm, and looking forward to summer in Old Mill Point.
Once again, it’s time to pay our dues. Association Dues make it possible to continue ongoing maintenance of our beautiful Old Mill Point beaches, docks and private roads, as well as pay for regular expenses like street lights, insurance, etc.
Please remit dues of $850 (per OMP property owned) by February 28, 2021.
If you have any questions, or if this bill should be going to a different owner, please contact me directly at or call (508)432-5213 to let me know of the change.
Please mail your check to:
Old Mill Point Associates
P.O. Box 73
West Harwich, MA 02671-0073