Hi Neighbors-
Our neighborhood is getting busier with many expanded families arriving as well as an onslaught of renters.
I’ve received several complaints and comments, so please let’s all review the rules.
1. DOGS-Many owners are violating our dog rules (you know who you are). Really unfair to the entire community. For the renters out there who may not be familiar with the dog rules, they are as follows: NO dogs are allowed on the beach between 10:00am and 6:00pm between May 1 and October 1. Your dog should never create a nuisance to others and you must always pick up after your animal.
2. PARKING- There is no on street parking allowed in Old Mill Point. Please park your vehicles on your driveway, or if your neighbors aren’t home, please ask them if you can borrow their driveway. Given how narrow our streets are and how many walkers and bikers we have, this really is a safety issue. Please make sure that you observe this and ask your guests, renters and contractors to do likewise.
3. OWNERS WHO RENT- You must advise renters about all the rules and regulations at OMP. It is unfair to your neighbors to rent to people with no knowledge of the rules and not advise them of the rules.
4. CONSTRUCTION- Let’s try to wrap up all ongoing construction ASAP so we can all enjoy the summer in peace and quiet with minimal traffic on our streets. I was there yesterday and a number of projects are being wrapped up and the neighborhood is really looking nice.
We are looking at engaging a security officer to monitor the situation and also ensure that the OMP beaches remain available for the residents and renters of OMP only. We will keep you informed if the need arises to proceed with the hire.
If you need copies of our rules, please go on our new website and /or you can ask Carol Volpe, our clerk (carolmvolpe@gmail.com) to forward you one.
Any issues or questions, please feel free to call me.
Best regards,
Mark Perechocky
617-901-3097 cell